Latest News from Evolving Care

Macmillan Coffee Morning

On 28th September the teams at each branch put on their pinafores, reached for their cook books and heard the words …ready …steady …bake!

The teams at Evolving care held a coffee morning to support the Macmillan coffee mornings. Traditionally, these mornings have been a great success and truth be told there has been some real competition for who can create the best culinary delight. We had many visitors pop into one of our local branches, grab a brew and a slice of cake and come and meet the teams.

On the day we managed to raise £100 for Macmillan Cancer Support.

Race for Life’s Pretty Muddy 5k for Cancer Research

On 15th September Carol (CEO), Kerry (Performance Manager), Suzanne (Finance Account Manager), and Sarah (PR and Recruitment Manager) all took part in Cheshire’s Race for Life Pretty Muddy 5k for Cancer Research.

The morning started with the lovely ladies clean as whistles, donning their running gear and wearing bright pink t-shirts (with a little helper wanting to join in with the run but slightly shy for the group photo).

An hour, 5k and plenty of mud later it was safe to say that the ladies were no longer clean, no longer raring to go and were happy to see the finishing line… albeit a very muddy one.

The team were created by friends and family and as a business we couldn’t be prouder of them for taking some time out and doing something for such an amazing cause. On the day we managed to raise £495 for Cancer Research.

Well done ladies!

Memory Walk 2017

In 2017, our CEO Carol took part in The Alzheimer’s Society’s Memory Walk, in loving memory of her late father.

Alzheimer’s and Dementia is close to Carols heart and as such with Evolving Care she is committed to providing the best care possible not only for sufferers of the disease but also to provide support for their families and loved ones.

Well done Carol on such a wonderful achievement for a truly wonderful cause.

Dementia Awareness Week

Our Leicester branch will be holding a Vintage tea party, with music from the 50’s, to raise awareness for the Dementia Awareness Week, next Friday 24th May!

We are inviting staff service users and friends to come along, and help to support this worthwhile cause!

Dignity Action Day 2013

Dignity Action Day, a truly memorable day for people who use care services.

Evolving care Leicester held a coffee morning to raise awareness and promote this great cause and sign people up to become dignity champions!

We welcomed staff service users and friends of evolving care to the event on Friday 1st February.

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