CQC Reports




Evolving Care is absolutely committed to providing the very best care for its service users.  We have recently been inspected by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) and many of the positive aspects of our service have been reflected in the Report.

We serve over 100 people in the community, their safety is at the heart of what we do. We are pleased that the Report states: “people were comfortable with the staff that regularly supported them and staff understood what actions to take to protect people from the potential risk of abuse”.

Nevertheless, we are very disappointed that overall from a more administrative and governance perspective, the service has been found to be lacking. We have taken this opportunity to work positively with the CQC and have already undertaken considerable work to improve in these areas.

We do hope that all of our service users will see these changes and feel the benefit from the additional work we are putting into ensuring their care is consistently good.

As part of our commitment to you, please do continue to engage with us by letting us have your feedback (good or bad) and we would remind you that if you have any concerns at all to contact:
